Sell Wholesale on Amazon
If you have sold on Amazon or online in general and you run an ecommerce business, you will have purchased your stock from a wholesaler as part of your sourcing process.
This probably sounds familiar, doesn't it? Plainly what's described here is the usual process you would follow if you were sourcing wholesale products to sell as single units on Amazon?
Amazon Wholesale competition is fierce: When you list your wholesale stock on Amazon, there will always be multiple sellers competing. It's the nature of the beast and so tempting to undercut if you can! But this results in a race to the bottom – and there are no winners – so don't do it.
Don't be disheartened if the first supplier you speak with gives you a firm 'no'. Negotiating is a skill, and it can take a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to settle on a price or even to get a good deal. The more you practice negotiating, the better at it you will become. The best advice: do it with confidence!
Final Thoughts
Effort now means future gains!
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