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over the years, blackjack has turned into one of the most widely played casino games across the world.
having a great dealer is a crucial part of a good day at the blackjack table! therefore, to have the best experience with this card game, you need to go to the actual casino or sit at home and play with live dealers.
due to the popularity of this form of playing, many software providers have developed their own studios where this form of the game is streamed from.
if you have never played blackjack with a live dealer, you do not have to worry about anything, as these games are often made to resemble the land-based casino as much as possible.
you have a real person dealing the cards and several cameras stream this experience live.
the dealers are often interesting and willing to interact with the players.
when a live blackjack game starts, you usually need to draw virtual cards and place virtual bets, but it is usually on a real table that is in front of the live dealer.
it is a really exciting experience and takes playing online to the next level.
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