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Fraudsters may create multiple accounts on a single device, but more common is a whole collection of devices called a fraud farm.
Because cheating can be so costly for casinos, they invest in hundreds of security cameras on their gaming floors and elsewhere so they can more easily catch scammers and settle disputes.
Concealed camera scams
Even one successful case of casino cheating can cost the business thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention damaging the customer experience for legitimate players.
The value of online casino fraud detection is self-explanatory, but there are risks to gaming companies that go beyond the obvious financial losses.Reputation
Building a representment case can require a significant time investment, and it isn't scalable or easily automated.
Additionally, casinos will add people they suspect of cheating to a list of banned individuals, stopping repeat offenders.
Additionally, apps should keep an eye out for red flags such as spending unusually high amounts soon after creating an account, accounts that deviate sharply from their usual behavior, signs of location spoofing, and multiple accounts signing on from the same device or location.
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